"If it harms no-one then do what you will"

This is a nutshell is the Pagan creed. Since the abolition of the law against witchcraft in 1954 there has been a revival of paganism in Britain and indeed throughout the world. 'Pagan' was originally a term of abuse used to denigrate those who opposed the sophisneared ideas of the city. Pagan used to mean something like country bumpkin - it was perhaps only in the isolated parts of the country that religious and magical idea of an older pre-Christian age clung on. It is a well-known fact that from the moment Christianity became the official religion of the powerful and autocratic Roman empire, the decline of the great pagan age began. Now in the twentieth century the wheel has come full circle and people are once again free to study and practice as our ancestors did in the great Pagan ages of antiquity. In One sense everyone is born a pagan. Pagan are Polytheistic, venerating a pantheon of deities and nature spirits rather than one all pervasion male god. Paganism has no established priesthood (or in indeed preistesshood) neither do we have one book that is supposed to contain every truth to the exclusion of everyone else's sacred traditions. Pagan are tolerant and respect all and every spiritual path, as long as it is life affirming and respectful. The Oxfordshire Pagan Circle is a collective of Pagan of many differing traditions and beliefs, working together to reach the best parts of the old ways Amongst our ranks you will find Druids, Witches, Ritual Magicians, Helrunars etc. We meet regularly to share information through Workshops and speaker meeting, re-learning the ancient skills of divination, trance possession and magick. Pagan of many differing differing styles are sensitive to the shifting tides of energy that sweep our planet throughout the year. We mark these through the celebration of eight festivals starting with Yule and ending at Samhain or Halloween. Some of this festival calendar can be found in the tradition of the Celts and Saxons and before that may will go back to the dawn of humanity's spiritual quest in the Ancient Near East and Africa. These festivals days are often marked by large open rituals or sabbars. Pagan also often meet greet the waxing and waning of the moon, these meetings we call Esbaus. If you have a pagan heart then why not join us Write to: OPC, PO Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP Or Phone 01865 727186